Schubert in Love: From fans to fans

“Olaf Schubert – last scion of the great Schubert dynasty. In keeping with his long line of ancestors, Olaf has great visions. Others have them too, but at best they go to the doctor. Olaf, on the other hand, tries to realize his visions and in the process repeatedly comes into conflict with just about everyone.” (Press release). Without question, this is a starting point for a solid comedy. If Olaf Schubert were not the protagonist. What follows in the cinematic realization: madness, nonsense and deepest sense in quick succession. In the end, no genre stands on its own. We would immediately award Schubert the “Bambi” for “Subversive Comedy”. That from fans to fans, the rest should form their own opinion. Otherwise it would be petty with rhombus…

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